Book Pottery Wheel Hiring

Max. file size: 450 MB.
Max. file size: 450 MB.
Max. file size: 450 MB.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Confirmation of Pick-Up Date: The date for picking up the pottery wheel isn't finalized initially. Instead, the rental service will contact you to confirm the specific date for pick-up according to availability. Payment Commencement: The monthly payment will commence on the confirmed pick-up date.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Drop-off Date Accuracy: The accuracy of the drop-off date for the pottery wheel isn't crucial. Payment Termination: When the pottery wheel is returned, the monthly payment will cease within one business day from the wheel's drop-off.
This bond is refundable once the wheel has been dropped off clean and undamaged. This bond will secure your name on the hiring list. We will get in touch in regard to availability and pick up dates within 48 hours.